11 February 1978 China has lifted the ban on reading the books of Aristotle, Shakespeare and Dickens1978 China has lifted the ban on reading the books of Aristotle, Shakespeare and Dickens1943 Stalin signed a decision to create an atomic bomb1943 Stalin signed a decision to create an atomic bomb
The Government of the Russian Federation received a proposal to use the funds of pension savings for the purchase of housing and land plots by Russian...
Trustworthy borrowers can get the right to a mortgage at reduced interest rates - for this, the Ministry of Finance has planned to develop an appropri...
The lower house of parliament plans to consider a draft law establishing a ban on the use of surrogacy by foreigners and stateless persons In February...
The Ministry of Justice has developed a draft law providing for amendments to the Federal Law ‘On Enforcement Proceedings’. If the draft law is adopte...
A bill to limit the period for issuing an unsecured loan has been submitted to the lower house of parliament. It is proposed to reduce the term of suc...
Federal Tourism Agency is getting ready to send amendments to the legislation on tourism to the representatives of the State Duma. The agency proposes...
The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is working on a draft law providing for an out-of-court procedure for collecting transport tax from citize...
The head of the Russian Federal State Agency for Health and Consumer Rights Anna Popova said that the representatives of a department were considering...
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