11 February 1978 China has lifted the ban on reading the books of Aristotle, Shakespeare and Dickens1978 China has lifted the ban on reading the books of Aristotle, Shakespeare and Dickens1943 Stalin signed a decision to create an atomic bomb1943 Stalin signed a decision to create an atomic bomb
Hiroshi Oda, Sir Ernest Satow Professor of Japanese Law, University College London, Professor (adjunct), Waseda University (Tokyo), adviser, Nagashima Ohno and Tsunematsu Law Office (Tokyo)
Jacomijn van Haersolte-van Hof, Director General, LCIA, London
Alexander Komarov, Member of Presidium, ICAC
Jenny Arlington, Counsel, AKIN GUMP STRAUSS HAUER & FELD, London
Dmitry Ivanov, Partner, Morgan Lewis, Moscow
Peter J. Pettibone, International Arbitrator, Pettibone International ADR, New York
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