1 January 2021 Gregorian calendar New Year.2020 Gregorian calendar New Year1998 Denomination was held in Russia - a copeck was put into circulation again.1998 Denomination was held in Russia - a penny was put into circulation again1935 Surnames were introduced instead of titles in Turkey.1935 Surnames were introduced instead of titles in Turkey in 1935
The moratorium on bankruptcy, introduced by the Government of the Russian Federation and designed to protect large enterprises from financial collapse...
On April 3, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, establishing a six-month moratorium on bankruptcy for a number of enterprises and ...
The Government of the Russian Federation has approved the rules by which the money for the tours that were cancelled due to the pandemic will be paid ...
Each state tries to support its citizens affected by the COVID-19 pandemic differently. In Russia, the authorities simplify the bankruptcy procedure f...
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has clarified the provision of credit vocation for the entrepreneurs in connection with the coronavirus pan...
In recent years, the institution of subsidiary liability has become widespread in bankruptcy proceedings. In case of bankruptcy, it may become clear t...
The service that allows you to verify online, whether a company or individual entrepreneur is on the list of individuals who have a right for a six-mo...
According to the document, signed by the President of the Moscow City Notarial Chamber Konstantin Korsik, Moscow notaries can continue working during ...
A month-long weekend regime is a challenge not only for the employees, having a self-isolation period, but also for their employers and the economy as...
After the speech of the president and the announcement of a month of non-working days with full pay last week, it became clear that the threat of the ...
Due to the spread of coronavirus infection and the collapse of the economy, our government has made an unprecedented decision to introduce a moratoriu...
On March 31, the Mayor of Moscow signed Decree No. 279-PP, which introduces subsidies for a number of credit organizations in the city and support for...
As a part of the measures, taken to combat the spread of coronavirus infection, the court proceedings were terminated, the citizens were not allowed t...
The collapse of ruble, the oil prices, and the spread of coronavirus infection - the beginning of the year broke the record for the number of problems...
Last week, the president Vladimir Putin made an unscheduled appeal to Russian people. The reason was the unprecedented spread of coronavirus infection...
Earlier, “Rusbankrot” have published the material about the plans of the Ministry of Economic Development to reform the sector of market places with b...
For the moment, an active work on a draft law on the bankruptcy of citizens is underway. The goal of this draft law is to simplify and reduce the cost...
Every lawyer, who was holding an agreement in his hands at least once, knows that it will surely contain a paragraph on force majeure circumstances or...
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