1 January 2021 Gregorian calendar New Year.2020 Gregorian calendar New Year1998 Denomination was held in Russia - a copeck was put into circulation again.1998 Denomination was held in Russia - a penny was put into circulation again1935 Surnames were introduced instead of titles in Turkey.1935 Surnames were introduced instead of titles in Turkey in 1935
The ex-management of Roskomsnabbank, which has lost its license, has come under criminal prosecution. Top managers are accused of fraud and embezzleme...
The Moscow arbitration Court once again refused to recognize the illegality of additional agreements concluded within the framework of labor relations...
Andrey Radko, who was approved in December 2022 for the role of financial manager in the bankruptcy case of entrepreneur Anatoly Matalyga, turned out ...
On October 9, 2024, the Lefortovo District Court of the capital detained Alexander Pepelyukh, Deputy director of the Deposit Insurance Agency, until N...
The project to develop a project and create a high-speed highway from Moscow to St. Petersburg may receive new funding. To do this, it was decided to ...
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