15 February 1970 The fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite1970 The fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite1970 The first hearing of the International Court of Justice was opened in Hague1970 The first meeting of the International Court of Justice was opened in Hague1970 The first line of Berlin's metro was opened1970 The first line of Berlin's metro was opened
The ex-management of Roskomsnabbank, which has lost its license, has come under criminal prosecution. Top managers are accused of fraud and embezzlement of financial assets. The main defendants were ex-chairman of the Board Flur Gallyamov and former deputy chairman Irek Takiullin.
Several other employees are involved in the case, including Ruslan Shaykhutdinov, head of the lending department, and Irina Latypova, deputy head of the financial department. Suspicions were aroused by Zhanna Globenko, who ran the Golden Reserve company, which received money from the bank's depositors.
The damage, according to the investigation, amounted to about 53 billion rubles. It includes the funds of the bank and the deposits of about 3 thousand individuals. The investigation claims that the ex-managers were engaged in embezzlement of the bank's money, issuing unsecured loans to controlled structures and members of a criminal group.
Most of the companies, as law enforcement agencies believe, were fictitious and served solely to withdraw money. In addition, the bank's clients invested their savings in a "Gold reserve", which promised an income of up to 16% per year. As a result, this led to massive financial losses.
During the trials, the Oktyabrsky District Court of Ufa arrested Shaykhutdinov and Globenko. On the following day, a decision was made to arrest Takiullin. The accused must remain in custody until the end of November and the beginning of December, respectively.
Roskomsnabbank, formerly known as Bashkomsnabbank, was founded in Ufa in 1991. Five years ago, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation revoked the bank's license in connection with a violation of the law. It is suspected that the bank's management conducted business operations according to a model that has the characteristics of a financial pyramid.
Vitaly Burkin, representing one of the accused, disputes the conclusions of the investigation. He claims that those arrested did not receive personal benefits from the operations. A significant part of the loans on them have been repaid. In his opinion, there are many court decisions confirming the legality of transactions. He also stressed that the bankruptcy case, where depositors are recognized as creditors, excludes the charge of embezzlement.
The current situation has caused criticism from depositors, especially in light of the seizure of land owned by the bank's borrowing firms. According to some of them, the arrests of property may prevent its sale. This may lead to non-repayment of money to the victims.
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