It became known why Russians are most often fired

It became known why Russians are most often fired

It became known why Russians are most often fired
According to the ‘’ and ‘SberStrakhovanie’ services, employees most often lose their jobs due to immoral acts and bad relations with the team.  However, there are other reasons as well.

According to RBC, more than 1000 companies from all regions of the Russian Federation took part in the survey.  The most common reason for layoffs is misconduct, as 45% of organizations agreed with this.  Then there are difficult relationships with colleagues (36%). 32% of companies said they laid off employees because of frequent delays, illnesses and regular leaves. 
29% of organizations can fire a person for being constantly distracted.
27% will easily part with an employee if he or she is not available during working hours.  And another 6% can fire a person if he or she refuses to take overtime work.

About 16% of companies indicated the option ‘other’, which implies personal dislike for the employee or poor performance of work.  At the same time, about 80% of respondents really had to fire someone this year.  However, in 70% of cases, the employees leave on their own will.
