The debt burden of Russians has reached a historical maximum.

The debt burden of Russians has reached a historical maximum.

The debt burden of Russians has reached a historical maximum.
The debt burden of Russians has increased to a historical maximum of 10.6% since the beginning of this year. At the same time, the volume of unsecured loans decreased by 3.4%. This is due both to the deterioration of the external economic situation and to the changed and less favorable credit conditions.

Another factor worth noting in the context of changes in the framework of lending to the population is the increase in the number of consumer loans for which there was a delay in payment. Their share immediately increased by 2.2% and amounted to 7.5%.

This circumstance suggests that in the future there may be a possible increase in the number of non-performing loan debts.

According to the data available to the Central Bank, at the moment the number of restructured loans is small. It is only 0.6% of the total. However, this does not mean that an increase in this indicator will not occur in the second half of 2022.

As for Russians with a high (more than 80%) debt burden, the share of their consumer loans fell by 1.8% compared to last year. This may be due to both the economic uncertainty that arose in the spring of this year, and the increase in the cost of loans themselves. The decision to take on new debt obligations in such conditions was postponed by citizens. In addition, the banks themselves have tightened the requirements for issuing loans, which also affected the indicator, reports TASS.
