IHerb website may be blocked in Russia

IHerb website may be blocked in Russia

IHerb website may be blocked in Russia
The court of Barnaul satisfied the claim of the prosecutor's office for the recognition of the information contained on the website of iHerb online store prohibited. The platform specializes in the sale of dietary supplements and various kinds of additives, which contain components that are illegal in Russia.

The claim was based on the appeal of ‘People's Control’ public organization to the prosecutor's office. The appeal filed with the prosecutor's office contained information that the iHerb website sells goods containing plants prohibited for sale in Russia, as well as sports nutrition, the import of which is impossible without special permission from the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, reports Vedomosti.
In the opinion of ‘People's Control’, there are about 2000 drugs that are not suitable for sale in Russia, but not all of them are named in the statement of claim of the prosecutor's office.
According to an expert who is a clinical pharmacologist and who was invited to consider the case, admission of an indefinite number of persons to the website poses a risk to public health. This is due to the possible consequences of high dosages, as well as the combination of dietary supplements with other drugs.

At the moment, the court's decision has not yet entered into force and can be challenged. Otherwise, the information from the website will be sent to the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications, which, in turn, will enter the website into the register, after which telecom operators will be required to restrict access to it.
