12 January 1998 A protocol, banning human cloning was signed.1998 Protocol, banning human cloning was signed1967 A man was cryonized for the first time.1967 Man was cryonized for the first time1950 the USSR introduced the death penalty for treason, espionage and sabotage.1950 USSR introduced the death penalty for treason, espionage and sabotage
Realtors have published a list of cities with the maximum number of real estate transactions at a price of up to 500 thousand rubles. Omsk, Volgograd, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk and Voronezh got to the top five.
According to experts, such low prices for real estate may indicate problems with documentation.
The federal chain ‘Etazhi’ conducted a study of the real estate market in Russia and came to the conclusion that there is a fairly large number of deals with cheap real estate in a number of cities.
The maximum number of contracts with the price of an apartment or house of up to 500 thousand rubles was recorded in Omsk (32% of the total number of transactions), reports
Voronezh closes the top five with the number of such transactions at 5.3%. Both capitals and their regions were analyzed as well - the indicator there was 1.1 and 0.5% (Moscow and St. Petersburg, respectively).
Among the reasons for the low cost of housing, experts call an uncomfortable climate, migration outflow of the population, low income and quality of the housing stock, as well as an unfavorable environmental situation. In this case, some circumstances are interconnected with others.
In Omsk, the share of transactions for the sale of new buildings tends to zero.
This leads to a gradual deterioration in the condition of the housing stock, as secondary housing decays and only falls in value. At the same time, in the region, you can still find advertisements for the sale of real estate for 150-200 thousand rubles - these are two-room apartments located in small settlements.
According to experts, cheap housing is most
often sold in places with poor infrastructure, in old or even dilapidated
houses, as well as in buildings that other residents have already abandoned.
Sometimes you can even find advertisements for the sale of apartments with WC
located on the street.
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