18 December 1970 France, on behalf of 25 EU countries, called for the decriminalization of same-sex relations.1970 France, on behalf of 25 EU countries, called for the decriminalization of same-sex relations.1970 The slavery was abolished in the United States.1970 the slavery in the United States was abolished.1970 The anthem of the Russian Empire “God Save the Tsar!” was performed for the first time.
The ruble began to rapidly fall again on November 2 - the dollar broke through the mark of 80 rubles, the euro is approaching 94 rubles. The exchange rate of the foreign currencies skyrocketed from the very beginning of the opening of the Moscow Exchange.
According to the latest data, the dollar and euro continue to grow. At the moment, the American currency is being traded at 80.54 rubles, the euro - 93.7 rubles. The increase in value in both cases amounted to almost 1%.
Along with the rate, the Russian stock market keeps declining.
The Moscow Stock Exchange Index dropped by 0.77%, the RTS Index – by 1.87%. It is worth noting that the dollar rate has already broken through the 80 rubles mark on March 30, 2020. But the euro reached such a mark for the first time since December 2014.
Analysts suggest that the currency situation is directly related to the deterioration of the sanitary and epidemiological situation in Russia.
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