American Meta is recognized as extremist organization: what does this mean?

American Meta is recognized as extremist organization: what does this mean?

American Meta is recognized as extremist organization: what does this mean?
On March 21, 2022, the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow considered the petition of the Prosecutor General's Office, which demanded to recognize the American corporation Meta Platforms Inc.  (*Recognized as extremist organization and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation) as an extremist organization.  As a result, the court satisfied the claim, officially banning the work of Instagram and Facebook.  The court decision did not affect the popular WhatsApp messenger, although the service belongs to the company.

During the court hearing, the representative of the prosecutor's office repeated several times that the use of Instagram and Facebook (*Recognized as extremist organizations and banned in the territory of the Russian Federation) by individual citizens or organizations should not be equated with extremism.  It means that persons carrying out such activities should not be held legally liable.  However, according to experts, there is no complete clarity in the consequences of decision made by the court.
The fact Meta company (* Recognized as extremist organizations and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation) will now officially not be able to open its divisions on the territory of the Russian Federation and carry out any operational activities is obvious.  But if you literally follow the legislation rules on combating extremism, any payments or paid services of Russians (for example, advertising communications) in favor of a corporation can be considered criminal.
In this case, a citizen or head of an organization can be considered as a violator of Article 282.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
What is more, the public display of the logo of an American corporation (for example, on the website pages) may also fall under the law.  In this case, such actions can be qualified under Article 20.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and in some special cases - under Article 20.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The verdict adopted by the court may also affect the stock market.  It's not a secret that many people acquired shares of the company.  Legally, this may mean that the persons have become its co-owners. What sanctions will be imposed on such citizens is unclear, given the unprecedented case in the history of Russian justice, which recognized a commercial company to be extremist for the first time.
We should remind our readers that the reason for the prosecutor's office claim was the publication of the press secretary of the company on Twitter on March 11.
It was reported that the company would not block publications calling for the killing of Russian military in Ukraine.  Meta’s Vice President then said that the corporation sought to realize the right of users to freedom of speech and self-defense.

Already on March 14, Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications made efforts to block Instagram.  Facebook was subjected to this on March 4 after fixing 26 cases of discrimination against accounts and publications of domestic media by the controlling agency.
