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Alexander Dokukin, CEO of the Center for Assistance to Loan Debtors LLC, told Rusbankrot how should behave debtors who are infringed at work because of their obligations to banks. Is it legal and is it possible to oppose employers?
According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is impossible to lose a job due to debts to banks, and yet 20% of employees, according to the Center for Assistance to Loan Debtors LLC, face pressure at work due to loans. How to protect yourself by legal means and not to lose your only income? Let's figure it out.
The rights of citizens are clearly regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and the presence of unsecured loans is not an official reason for dismissal or refusal to give a promotion.
But there are legitimate ways to check an applicant's credit history. Almost every employer seeks to protect himself and learn as much as possible about the new employee of the company, especially if the field of activity and the position of the candidate is related to financial responsibility.
With a written consent, the security service checks the applicant's credit history and, if monthly debts do not exceed 50% of income, there is nothing to be concerned about.
But what if there are a lot of debts, collectors are constantly calling the office, and the employer threatens to dismiss you?
Calls from collectors are unpleasant, but if you strictly fulfill your work duties, there is no reason to fire you. It is important to remember this and defend your rights. If you think that you got a refusal because of debts, you need to ask the employer for a written refusal, and further settle this issue in a legal way.
Any pressure from the employer, coercion to early repayment of a loan before the promotion or ultimatums due to outstanding loans is a reason to seek help from lawyers and legal professionals.
All the reasons for the official dismissal of an employee are listed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
If your case does not fit into this framework, you can seek qualified help and resolve the issue in court.
It is important to understand that any deviation from legal norms can be challenged and that you can protect yourself from incorrect actions. There are organizations that have been helping people who faced the situations that got out of control for years.
Do not be afraid of psychological pressure and blackmail from collectors or the employer, because you can always count on help of a properly chosen article of the law.
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