30 January 1970 Same-sex marriages were legalized in Belgium.1970 Gay marriages were legalized in Belgium1970 The Shekel currency was introduced in Israel.1970 Charles Richter proposed the Richter’s scale for measuring earthquakes magnitude.1970 Charles Richter proposed the Richter’s scale for measuring earthquakes magnitude1970 Charles Darwin's book on natural selection was published in Russia.1970 Charles Darwin's book on natural selection was published in Russia
Transneft has again filed a claim against the software manufacturer Cisco (case no. A40-224012/2024). The amount of claims against the company exceeds 55 million rubles.
The plaintiff claims 56 million in damages from the American Cisco, which Transneft suffered due to the defendant's refusal to fulfill its obligations.
The first claim was filed with the arbitration court by Transneft last fall. The application was initially left without movement, and then it was returned to the reverse oil company altogether. However, the plaintiff decided to challenge the decision and appealed to the Court of Appeal.
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