The court began consideration of the claim in the case of false orders in "Tanuki"

The court began consideration of the claim in the case of false orders in "Tanuki"

The court began consideration of the claim in the case of false orders in "Tanuki"
Proceedings have started in Nizhny Novgorod as part of a claim by «Voskhod» LLC (a legal entity of the «Tanuki» restaurant chain) for the recovery of damages.  We are talking about last year's attempt to harm the chain of restaurants due to advertising with the participation of a black man and packaging similar in colors to LGBT symbols, made by the members of "Men's State" movement banned in Russia.

According to the plaintiffs, several people, including the founder of the movement, Vladislav Pozdnyakov, made orders, after which they refused to receive them or did not answer the couriers' calls at all. Vladislav Pozdnyakov called on other Russians to take such actions, writing a post on his Telegram channel last summer. Pozdnyakov demanded that the management of the network remove the advertising that he considered unacceptable and apologize.

The purpose of the action was to paralyze the work of the «Tanuki» due to the imposition of alien values   on the Russians.

According to a representative of «Tanuki», the total amount of damage caused to the chain amounted to about half a million rubles, and the number of false orders reached several hundred. The food prepared and packed for delivery later had to be disposed of.

However, the plaintiff filed a claim to recover the damage only from the first three days of the action and 66 false orders. The defendants were duly notified, but they did not appear at the hearing, the next time the case will be considered on June 1, Kommersant reports.
