18 December 1970 France, on behalf of 25 EU countries, called for the decriminalization of same-sex relations.1970 France, on behalf of 25 EU countries, called for the decriminalization of same-sex relations.1970 The slavery was abolished in the United States.1970 the slavery in the United States was abolished.1970 The anthem of the Russian Empire “God Save the Tsar!” was performed for the first time.
Summer residents of Volgograd threatened with bankruptcy by electricity suppliers
Summer residents of Volgograd threatened with bankruptcy by electricity suppliers
Gardening partnerships (GPs) of the Volgograd region are going through a difficult period. Many of them turned out to be candidates for bankruptcy - cases in the arbitration court are already being considered in relation to 30 partnerships. And although the representatives of the power grid company themselves believe that it is not worth bringing the situation to insolvency, non-payers are in no hurry to pay for electricity.
According to the press service of ‘Volgogradenergosbyt’, the debts for electricity of summer residents have already exceeded 100 million rubles. At the same time, the number of those GPs that claim to be insolvent has tripled. The representatives of energy companies plan to stop the disaster through the court, demanding the collection of money for electricity and its transportation.
In some cases, citizens are able to pay bills on time, but the threat of the insolvency insolvent still remains.
In this case, participants in partnerships are advised to require reporting from the management. It is quite easy to check the fact of the presence of debt. This can be discussed at general meetings of GPs or you can try to check the actions of the management.
According to the energy companies, most often large debts arise due to insufficient competence of the leadership of the summer partnerships. Someone cannot establish a systematic fundraising due to laziness or negligence, someone is hampered by passivity in relation to pressing problems.
The representatives of the organization that supplies the Volgograd summer residents with energy resources note that they are far from immediately turning to justice.
Initially, as a rule, it is proposed to restructure the debt and to organize the accounting of energy bills more technologically in order to prevent theft.
The nearest bankruptcy, which threatens 30 GPs of the Volgograd region, means that the organizations will be taken over by the bankruptcy trustee and he will decide the fate of the gardeners' property, doing this in the interests of creditors. Experts suggest that the number of GPs bankruptcy claims will only grow in the nearest future.
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