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On August 28, 2024, Igor Prudey, the bankruptcy trustee of Neftegaz and Energetika (NiE LLC), appealed to the arbitration court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region with a request to involve the Systems company that controlled the organization's activities (previously it was called Siemens) in the subsidy. The application was filed in the framework of the NiE insolvency case (No. A56-25656/2024).
Last month, Rusbankrot already talked about the bankruptcy of NIE (before the company was called Siemens Energetics). On August 14, the court entered bankruptcy proceedings on the initiative of the Datavork company, which initiated the lawsuit. Igor Prudey, representing the Association WOW "Dostoyanie", was appointed to the role of manager. The company itself has actually ceased to function.
After that, KU began to appeal through the court against suspicious transactions concluded by the company recently. At the same time, at the end of August, the court imposed interim measures against the company "Systems", which controlled the activities of "NiE". It turned out that the company was singled out during the reorganization of Siemens, having received obligations for some customers (including service and warranty). At the same time, no additional financial resources necessary for their implementation were transferred.
The volume of unfulfilled obligations of NiE exceeded 2.5 billion rubles. Prudey suggested that a significant part of them could be the result of a debt transfer from Systems. According to open data, the organization has a significant liquidation balance. In a judicial act dated September 13, 2024, the court granted the petition of the Bankruptcy Trustee.
Data was submitted to the arbitration that during the reorganization process, the company "Systems" transferred assets in the amount of 18.1 billion and another 8.6 billion as liabilities (of which 8.4 billion were retained earnings). NiE, which was declared bankrupt, received only 7.1 billion of property assets and 7.8 billion of debt to creditors.
According to the Bankruptcy Trustee, quoted by Kommersant-SPb, applying for the introduction of a subsidy is his professional duty. Prudey said that now he needs to form a bankruptcy estate, avoiding complaints from creditors if possible. Considering that a significant part of the bankrupt's obligations are NiE's debts to state organizations and commercial structures, in which a significant role is played by government agencies responsible for the country's energy security.
Recall that the founder of the company "Systems" is a Siemens structure registered in Germany. Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG, which owns NiE, is also located there. Both structures are divisions of the same holding company.
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