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Sberbank has filed a new lawsuit against the Goldman Group agricultural holding (case no. A33-32705/2024). Among the defendants are seven members of the group of legal entities and the direct owner of the holding, Roman Goldman. The amount of the claims is almost 250 million rubles. The claim was submitted to the Krasnoyarsk arbitration court on October 25 and has not yet been accepted for consideration. Among the defendants are the companies AgroElita and TD Myasnichy.
In February 2024, Rusbankrot already wrote about financial claims that served as the basis for Sberbank to launch a lawsuit, initiating the bankruptcy of the holding. In November last year, the Food Group applied to arbitration with a statement regarding AgroElita. As Rusbankrot reported, the reason for the appeal was a lawsuit over an unfulfilled contract, justified in court (case No. A03-20222/2022).
The essence of Sberbank's claims is related to violated obligations under the loan transaction, but the details of this case have not yet been disclosed. Sberbank remains one of the largest creditors of the holding. Previously, the credit institution had already managed to send most of the holding's "daughters" under surveillance. In relation to Roman Goldman, a bankruptcy procedure was introduced – the restructuring of his debts. The total amount of the holding's beneficiary's debt to Sberbank is more than 600 million rubles.
The Goldman Group was founded a quarter of a century ago. His business was connected with the release of meat products to the market, the cultivation of cereals and the trade in petroleum products. This fall, one of the holding's structures (the AgroElita Association) has already been officially declared bankrupt. The initiator of the process was the company "Megamix". For the rest of the "daughters", the observation procedure is still ongoing.
Along with Sberbank, other financial organizations, including Yenisei United Bank, Rosbank, Solid Bank, also filed financial claims against the holding. At the moment, the assets of the Goldman Group are under arrest at the request of law enforcement agencies in the amount of over 4 billion rubles.
A criminal investigation is also underway against Goldman on charges of fraud with the assets of shareholders and an attempt to sell the authorized capital of one of the companies in bad faith. In February of this year, Goldman was arrested in absentia and put on the international wanted list.
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