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What innovations are waiting for Russians from June 1
What innovations are waiting for Russians from June 1
Traditionally, various laws come into force in Russia from the beginning of the new month. This time, the changes will affect the status of heads of regions and sports fans, airplane passengers, as well as pensioners, working people and citizens receiving social benefits. About all this in more detail in our selection.
The Law on the Unified System of Public Power
The day before, Vladimir Putin signed a bill that provides for a single name for the head of the region — the head and then the name of the subject. Thus, the innovation removes in the Republic of Tatarstan the right of the president of the subject to be named in this way.
Earlier, the regional government opposed the adoption of the amendment.
In addition, the normative act gives the heads of regions the opportunity to be elected to their posts more than twice in a row and assigns the president of the country the right to remove the heads of subjects due to loss of confidence in them. A single term of office of the head of the region is set for a five-year period, the subjects, in turn, are entitled to independently determine the number of terms for which their head can be elected.
Increase in pensions and social benefits
Since June, another increase in pensions for non-working pensioners is planned. It is assumed that the growth will be 10%, and the average pension in the country will be about 20 thousand rubles. The initiative to increase the amount of pension provision since the beginning of summer belongs to the President of the country. The pension increase will happen automatically, and citizens will be able to receive an increased payment in June.
In addition, the minimum wage will increase by 10%, its size will be 15,279 rubles. As well as payments to military personnel who take part in a special military operation on the territory of Ukraine.
Russian fans will receive their passports
Since the beginning of summer, a law comes into force providing for new rules for the purchase of tickets for sporting events. To purchase, you must be registered in a special system and have a so-called Fan-ID or fan passport. The list of events that require an innovation to view will be determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. An important point is the fact that a person may be denied the sale of a ticket if he has previously been noticed in violation of public order both in Russia and abroad. It will be possible to challenge the measure in court.
A tenfold increase in fines for perpetrators of forest fires
The Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation has undergone a significant increase in fines for those responsible for forest fires. Financial administrative responsibility has increased tenfold at once: citizens who have committed a violation of fire safety rules in forests can be punished with a ruble in the range from 15,000 to 30,000.
Previously, the same sanctions were 1,500 and 3,000, respectively.
When burning brushwood, dry grass and other forest combustible materials, in violation of fire safety rules in areas adjacent to forests, the amount of liability is set within 30000-40000 rubles. Previously, the penalty was ten times lower. As for officials, the measure of responsibility for them is set at up to 2 million rubles.
Special equipment for rowdies on the plane
The norm will take effect from June 5 and is directed against the causative agents of public disorder in airplanes. The crew of the ship will be allowed to apply special means to such passengers. Their list, as well as the rules of application are established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The decision on the application of new measures should be made by the aircraft commander.
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