The wood processing company warned the buyer about bankruptcy

The wood processing company warned the buyer about bankruptcy

The wood processing company warned the buyer about bankruptcy
The company "Modern technologies of wood processing" (LLC "STOD") announced its intention to apply to the Tver arbitration Court (AS TO) with an application for insolvency of the company "Les Asset Plus" (TIN 6950270278). The reason for such a step was the unfulfilled decision of the AC TO, adopted on June 3, 2024 (case no. A66-3434/2024). The amount of the debt is 40,251,381 rubles.

According to, the debt arose due to a contract that the companies signed in July 2023. STOD sold fir logs of 1-2 grades intended for sawing and planing to a Tver counterparty. The buyer did not pay 38.3 million rubles extra. The company sent a claim to him, including a penalty in the amount of 1.9 million rubles. The case went to court.

In court, the defendant indicated that he recognized the debt, but not his guilt. Les Asset Plus called Sberbank's actions the reason for non-payment of money under the contract, pointing to its litigation with the bank in court (case No. A66-14964/2023). The credit institution has blocked the possibility of making a remote transaction from the company's current account.

According to a representative of the bank involved in the process as a third party, the account was indeed blocked for remote maintenance, since the bank considered the operation questionable, requiring additional transaction documentation from Les Asset Plus.

As a result, the court recovered the claimed amount of the claim from the organization, considering the circumstances of non-payment disrespectful. No one prevented the buyer from making a settlement with the seller through accounts opened with other banks. Les Asset Plus has not provided any evidence that the debt has been repaid.

According to open sources, the Tver firm is headed by Irina Bulygina. Last year, the organization attracted revenue in the amount of over 55 million rubles. The net profit for 2023 amounted to 305 thousand.

The main beneficiary of STOD LLC (INN 7840322535) is Alexander Ebralidze. At the moment, the company is undergoing an external management procedure. The initiator of the bankruptcy of the organization was VEB.RF (case no.A56-8600/2021). In May 2021, the organization was put under surveillance, and in January 2022, the STOD received the status of bankrupt. But already in September 2022, the court stopped bankruptcy proceedings, sending the company under external management.

As the external manager Oleg Loginov previously informed the court, it is required to extend the term of external management in order to complete measures aimed at restoring the company's solvency. The court plans to hear his report on September 12, 2024.

STOD owns the Talion Terra and Talion Arbor factories, which produce LVL beams and oriented chipboards. The Ministry of Industry and Trade has included the company in the List of strategic enterprises. In 2023, the revenue of the STOD amounted to 6.9 billion rubles. During the period of external management, the company paid mandatory payments of 1.095 billion. Lease payments for forest plots amounted to over 590 million. In the Tver region, STOD is one of the largest taxpayers.
