1 January 2021 Gregorian calendar New Year.2020 Gregorian calendar New Year1998 Denomination was held in Russia - a copeck was put into circulation again.1998 Denomination was held in Russia - a penny was put into circulation again1935 Surnames were introduced instead of titles in Turkey.1935 Surnames were introduced instead of titles in Turkey in 1935
Lipetsk Arbitration announced the completion of the bankruptcy proceedings of the Planetastroy company. The organization managed the Uyuterra retail chain and was declared insolvent in 2017. In May 2024, bankruptcy trustee Oleg Loginov appealed to the court with a petition, asking to complete the bankruptcy procedure. By this time, all the company's assets had already been sold. It was not possible to save Planetastroy from liquidation, as some experts initially assumed.
The SG Center retail chain was established in 2004. Its founders were entrepreneurs Alexander Saganov and Alexander Seliverstov. In 2008, the chain's stores were renamed, and in 2009, Uyuterra merged with the Chudodom chain, which was owned by Mikhail Kokorich, the ex-founder of Technosila. He himself, four years later, left the business, completely immersed in work in the aerospace sector as the head of Dauria Aerospace.
The initiator of the bankruptcy of the company was Poseidon in 2016. The organization filed a claim to the court to declare Planetastroy insolvent due to a debt of 2.1 million. In September 2016, the company was placed under surveillance. The co-owner of the business, Alexander Seliverstov, being a guarantor for the organization's loans in large Russian banks (Sberbank, VTB and others), was also declared bankrupt. The volume of obligations he assumed, which were never fulfilled, turned out to be more than 2.9 billion.
The volume of financial claims against the organization itself exceeded 4 billion. Among the creditors of the company were more than a hundred firms, including VTB with claims for 1.9 billion rubles. The retail chain owes Sberbank more than 587 million rubles. The register also includes a debt to the tax authorities in the amount of 431.3 million. But the bulk of the requirements were numerous contracts with suppliers and landlords.
By March 2017, the retail chain, which had more than 100 outlets in four dozen regions of the Russian Federation, was declared bankrupt. After that, the bankruptcy procedure was extended for many years, during which Planetastroy settled with creditors for 362.7 million rubles. Now the organization is officially liquidated.
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