The founder of the Voronezh pharmacy chain is threatened by a subsidy

The founder of the Voronezh pharmacy chain is threatened by a subsidy

The founder of the Voronezh pharmacy chain is threatened by a subsidy
On September 9, 2024, Vladimir Ageev, who was approved as the bankruptcy trustee (KU) of Pharmia, announced his application to arbitration. In it, he demanded to bring to justice a group of persons who controlled the activities of the Voronezh pharmacy chain.

The information published on the Fedresurs portal indicates seven individuals and three organizations: the company "APVZ" (TIN 7106086096) and the management companies "Think differently" (TIN 3664246705) and AS "Pharmia" (TIN 3665823962). The list of individuals included blogger Roman Kubanev, who founded the pharmacy chain, and members of his family. The amount of liability is not specified.

Recall that since the autumn of 2022, Pharmia has been completely taken over by the Tula pharmacy chain "Here Pharmacy". Its beneficiaries are Dmitry Sokol and Oleg Bogomolov. By that time, the Voronezh network included 45 pharmacies. At the same time, the founder transferred the franchise and the partner business line to his former top manager Dmitry Dubovoy.

Pharmia LLC received the status of an insolvent organization in April 2024 (case no. A14-20425/2022) on the initiative of Magnit Pharma. By this time, the former business owner had already been declared bankrupt. The restructuring of its debt started in 2023 on the initiative of the local "daughter" of one of the largest distributors of medicines in Russia, FC Grand Capital Voronezh. In February 2024, he was declared insolvent.

At the beginning of 2024, a debt of 23.6 million was included in the entrepreneur's debt register. The basis for it was joint and several liability, established by the decision of the Soviet Court of Novosibirsk in 2022. Medinvest Group is working with him on the case. It was about the supply of medicines under a contract in which Kubanev was the guarantor. At the moment, the amount of debt owed by the founder of Pharmia is estimated at 88 million.
