7 March 1967 Workers and employees in the USSR shifted to a five-day working week with two days off.1967 The workers and employees were transferred to a five-day work week with two days off in the USSR1933 Charles Darrow invented Monopoly game.1933 Charles Darrow invented the Monopoly game1876 Alexander Bell patented the telephone.1876 Alexander Bell patented the telephone
The manager applied to the court for recovery of court costs from the creditor in connection with the consideration of his complaint against the actions of the manager and the application for dismissal (No. A56-370/20).
Satisfying the requirements, the courts of two instances proceeded from the reasonableness and proportionality of the declared amount of court costs.
The cassation sent the dispute for a new review and noted that the manager had submitted a legal services agreement in support of the application, under which the contractor undertook to represent his interests in another separate dispute - to consider the company's complaint about the actions (inaction) of the manager, expressed in making an unjustified payment.
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