Special recording agents may begin working in Russia
Special recording agents may begin working in Russia
The Association of Lawyers and Legal Companies in the field of Registration, Liquidation, Bankruptcy and Legal Representation intends to come up with a number of legislative initiatives, aimed at improving Russian legislation.
The changes are proposed to be made in several areas of law, including labor and tax law. Our compilation contains specific proposals, voiced by representative of the Association:
in the area of employment of the lawyers: expand and specify the requirements for candidates for the positions of lawyers, managers and founders of legal companies, supplementing the requirement for the mandatory personal insurance of professional liability; for lawyers and managers it was also offered to introduce mandatory membership in self-regulatory organizations of professional participants in the market of non-advocate legal services;
in the area of the activities of companies, providing legal services: to increase the minimum amount of the authorized capital (MAAC) and make it dependent on the number of lawyers, working in the company (it is proposed to introduce a 500,000 rubles MAAC for the companies with no more than 5 lawyers);
in the area of the registration actions of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs: create an institution of the recording agents, who will act as intermediaries and provide services for the preparation and submission of the documents for the implementation of registration actions in relation to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, as well as make and submit the tax reports to the Federal Tax Service and provide consulting services in different areas; it is offered to accredit such companies under the Federal Tax Service of Russia;
in the area of taxation: to change the procedure for paying VAT, requiring the seller’s banks to pay tax at the expense of the first buyer; introduce the concepts of “producer’s VAT” and “intermediary’s VAT”; abolish special taxation systems for the area of services, trade, manufacturing, etc. and set different rates of VAT and income tax for the various industries.
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