Small and medium-sized businesses of Russia were exempted from taxes by the Federal Tax Service
Small and medium-sized businesses of Russia were exempted from taxes by the Federal Tax Service
In order to reduce the risk of insolvency of the taxpayers, associated with the reduced business and consumer activity due to the spread of coronavirus, the Federal Tax Service of Russia took special measures.
On March 1, 2020, the department made a decision to suspend the application of penalties, as well as the adoption of decisions on the suspension of the operations on accounts of the taxpayers to enforce the decision on the termination of the collection of taxes, fees, insurance premiums, interest and penalties in respect of the entrepreneurs, the information about which is included in the unified register of small and medium-sized enterprises.
The corresponding document was signed by Daniil Egorov, the head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, on March 25, 2020.
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