7 March 1967 Workers and employees in the USSR shifted to a five-day working week with two days off.1967 The workers and employees were transferred to a five-day work week with two days off in the USSR1933 Charles Darrow invented Monopoly game.1933 Charles Darrow invented the Monopoly game1876 Alexander Bell patented the telephone.1876 Alexander Bell patented the telephone
It became known that the Ministry of Internal Affairs made appropriate amendments to the new administrative regulations. From now on, Russians won't be able to even slightly edit their passport photos.
According to Izvestia newspaper, any kind of retouching is inadmissible so that you can see all the features of a citizen's face. You cannot remove spots, moles, scars and any defects. Any artistic treatment that can improve a person's appearance was banned as well.
It is forbidden to take passport photos with colored eye lenses.
Photo with glasses is permissible only if the person wears them constantly (glasses should not be tinted). As for cannot be seen because of them.
The photo itself can be either black and white or colored.
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