1 January 2021 Gregorian calendar New Year.2020 Gregorian calendar New Year1998 Denomination was held in Russia - a copeck was put into circulation again.1998 Denomination was held in Russia - a penny was put into circulation again1935 Surnames were introduced instead of titles in Turkey.1935 Surnames were introduced instead of titles in Turkey in 1935
New lockdown will be introduced in Moscow from October 28
New lockdown will be introduced in Moscow from October 28
Mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin announced the introduction of new restrictions in the city. From October 28 to November 7, a non-working day regime was announced in Moscow with the closure of the majority of the enterprises.
Sobyanin said that the situation in Moscow is developing according to the worst scenario - new records in morbidity may be achieved in the coming days. For this reason, it is necessary to introduce new restrictions, since this method most effectively breaks the chains of transmission of the virus in a short time.
Almost all organizations in Moscow will cease their work on the indicated days. The exception will be the businesses with pressing continuity, companies that ensure the operation of the city's infrastructure, and some others.
Since October 28, restaurants, cinemas, trade, sports, culture and entertainment organizations will be closed in Moscow.
Pharmacies, grocery and essential goods stores will continue to work. As for restaurants he , Sergei Sobyanin stressed out that they would be able to work with takeout and delivery services.
Services in ‘My Documents’ centers will not be provided temporarily, except for the urgent acts. The medical organizations of the capital will continue to provide planned assistance. Emergency assistance will also be fully implemented.
Holidays are announced for kindergartens and schools from October 28 to November 7.
Organizations of additional education, sports and creative circles will not work. However, the mayor's website notes that if there is no one to leave preschool children with, duty groups will work in kindergartens.
Universities will be able to continue their work, but only remotely. Museums and theaters will be able to work, but only if the occupancy rate is not more than 50%, with the obligatory presence of QR codes and protective masks.
Any mass events are prohibited.
Starting from November 8, restrictions will be lifted. Additionally, it is reported that for residents of Moscow over 60 years old and citizens with chronic diseases, free travel on public transport will be temporarily suspended.
If a citizen has been ill with covid in the last 6 months or has been vaccinated, his transport card will not be blocked.
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