4 January 1985 The world's first child from a surrogate mother was born in London.1985 The world's first child from a surrogate mother was born in London1948 The independence of Burma was declared.1948 The independence of Burma was declared1943 The American magazine "Time" named Stalin the man of the year.1943 The American magazine "Time" named Stalin the man of the year
Among the new norms, there are the updated procedure for keeping work record books and issuing EDS, prizes drawing among vaccinated citizens, payments to retirees and hot meals for schoolchildren. Read the details in our monthly selection.
New procedure for issuing EDS
The program for issuing free electronic digital signatures to businesses began operating this summer, but the issuance procedure will come into force on September 1. The two months of summer preceding this were transitional. Now the territorial tax authorities, as well as accredited certification centers, will be engaged not only in issuing an EDS, but also in controlling the uniqueness of the EDS verification keys in the register and confirming the validity of the signature upon appropriate application.
Drawing of 100,000 rubles among vaccinated
A new campaign for vaccination against COVID-19 starts in September. This time the prize will be 100,000 rubles, and the citizens who have been vaccination, will have a chance to win it. However, in order to become a contender for receiving money, it is necessary not only to get vaccinated against Covid-19, but also to get a Mir card, as well as to open an account on the State Services portal.
New procedure for keeping work record books
For those who continue to keep paper work books, new rules have been introduced for their filling. Now employers will be able to enter information using stamps and by printing.
What is more, it will be possible to make entries for remote employees.
To do this, the employee must send his work record book to the employer by registered mail with notification. Changes were also made in the part of a part-time work - now information about it can be entered both in chronology and in blocks: upon hiring and firing.
The registration period for corporate sim cards for online cash desks and payment terminals expires
Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are required to register corporate sim cards, which are used in payment terminals, online cash registers, routers and other devices, on the State Services portal before September 1. The norm applies to SIM cards, communication services on which began to be provided before June 1 of this year, the rest undergo such registration even before the card is activated. At the same time, corporate sim cards of employees are also subject to registration on the State Services - the deadline for them is December 1.
Free meals for schoolchildren
The program to provide primary school students with free hot meals was launched last year at the initiative of Vladimir Putin.
Within the framework of the initiative, children were entitled to get at least one hot meal and one drink at the expense of the budget.
However, the innovation will start working only this academic year, as it took time for some schools to prepare canteens for the new rules.
Sick leave payments at the rate of 100% of average earnings
For employees who go on sick leave with children, a new norm is being introduced. Now the size of the sick leave will not depend on the record of service of the employee, and the calculation should be made at 100% of the average earnings. The norm applies to sick leave, which employees will take for staying with children under the age of 7. At the same time, the maximum amount of payments to a parent who is on sick leave with a child cannot exceed 2,434 rubles per day. In other cases, sick leave payments will continue to be paid as usual.
Lump sum payments to retirees
In September, Russian pensioners will receive a
lump sum payment; 500 billion rubles have already been allocated for this
purpose. The money is included in the calculation of any type of pension: for
old age, disability, loss of a breadwinner, as well as for military pensioners.
To receive a payment, no action is required - the FIU has all the necessary
data for the transfer of funds. The payment will be transferred in the same way
as the regular pension.
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