Coronavirus is recognized as a circumstance of force majeure
Coronavirus is recognized as a circumstance of force majeure
Every lawyer, who was holding an agreement in his hands at least once, knows that it will surely contain a paragraph on force majeure circumstances or the so-called force majeure. This paragraph is included in the agreement of the parties by default, but is rarely applied.
The norm guarantees the exemption of the parties from the fulfillment of obligations, arising from the contract in case of force majeure.
Now there is a reason for use - the unprecedented spread of coronavirus infection gives an official right to refer to force majeure.
On March 26, the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, has issued an order on free issuance of conclusions and certificates of force majeure to Russian entrepreneurs and organizations. The documents will be relevant for both Russian and foreign counterparties.
This means that if you have such a paper on hand, no sanctions for non-performance of the contract can be applied against you, since force majeure circumstances, that have prevented the fulfillment of the obligations, have occurred.
It is important that in addition to the issue of the certificates and conclusions, chambers of commerce will also provide free consultations in connection with the extraordinary situation that has arisen in the country.
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