On October 9, 2024, the Moscow Arbitration Court (AS GM) issued a ruling on the restructuring of the debt of entrepreneur Alexey Khotin to creditors. The judicial act itself has not yet been published in the judicial file (case no. A40-236175/2022).

According to RBC, Vladimir Khmelev was approved for the role of financial asset manager of the ex-billionaire.

The initiator of the businessman's bankruptcy in October 2022 was Alfa-Bank, which had major financial claims against Khotin. Five years ago, the bank sent five statements of claim to the Meshchansky Court of the capital, demanding to recover significant amounts of money from a number of companies and their beneficiary.

The basis for the claims was a settlement agreement, according to which Khotin had to return about $ 700 million to the bank. Some time later, the parties again reached an agreement on the settlement of the debt in the amount of $ 590 million. However, judging by the words of the bank's co-founder Peter Aven, their execution did not happen.

The current decision of the Arbitration Court of the city of Moscow on the introduction of restructuring may cause trouble to employees of the Federal Property Management Agency. By the verdict of the Zamoskvoretsky court, the department received a significant part of Khotin's assets. In particular, bailiffs seized the Rus-Oil oil group, recognized as the property of a businessman, to the income of the Russian Federation. In the summer, several business centers, the Cheryomushki shopping center and a share in the Four Seasons Hotel were seized.

According to Pavel Khlyustov, who represents Khotin's interests in the bankruptcy process, the restructuring act issued by the Moscow Arbitration Court will prevent the nationalization of the property associated with the businessman. The court has already included in the register of creditors' claims over 53.6 billion of Khotin's principal debt to Alfa-Bank and almost the same amount as a penalty. Probably, the Federal Property Management Agency will have to return the assets seized earlier to the bankruptcy estate. Now the state corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency", credit organizations and other persons can claim them.

Recall that an investigation is still underway against Khotin on several charges. Earlier, he was accused of embezzlement totaling more than 314 billion. In 2019, the businessman was placed under arrest. Last autumn, he was sent to a pre-trial detention center. In March 2024, he received a nine-year sentence by the court.
