17 January 1970 Holocaust survivors sought compensation for the confiscation of property during the Nazi regime from Austria.1970 Holocaust survivors sought compensation for the confiscation of property during the Nazi regime from Austria1970 The death penalty was officially abolished in Soviet Russia.1970 Death penalty was officially abolished in Soviet Russia1970 The island of Cape Verde was discovered by Diogo Afonso.1970 Island of Cape Verde was discovered by Diogo Afonso
The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation considered the case on the complaint of the creditor, who challenged the ruling issued by the district cou...
The Supreme Court considered the case on the complaint of the Pension Fund against the decisions of other instances. The question concerned the paymen...
The Economic Board considered the case at the request of the bankruptcy trustee of the bank - the Deposit Insurance Agency - on bringing a number of b...
This week, the State Duma passed a draft law, establishing a number of new powers for the police officers, in the third reading. The selection of main...
The Supreme Court of Russia clarified the issue of the admissibility of bringing bankruptcy trustees to administrative responsibility in a situation w...
The Arbitration Court of the North-Western District considered the case on the complaint of the creditor, who was dissatisfied with the rulings made b...
The case of the insolvency procedure of an individual was transferred for consideration of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The potential ...
The Arbitration Court of the Ural District considered the issue of exemption of the debtor-citizen from the fulfillment of monetary obligations to cre...
The district court considered the case on the complaint of one of the creditors, who remained dissatisfied with the ruling issued by the court of appe...
The Economic Board considered the case on the inclusion of the debt of the bankrupt company to the buyer of a car into the register of creditors’ clai...
The highest court of Russia considered the complaint of a bankruptcy trustee, who challenged the inclusion of the debt under the cession agreement in ...
The Economic Board considered the issue of payment of remuneration to the bankruptcy trustee of the debtor, which was calculated according to the resu...
The Economic Board considered the case on the complaint of a bankruptcy trustee and creditors of the debtor, who opposed the agreement concluded with ...
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