Russian government discussing introduction of QR codes for citizens who have unofficially recovered from Covid-19

Russian government discussing introduction of QR codes for citizens who have unofficially recovered from Covid-19

Russian government discussing introduction of QR codes for citizens who have unofficially recovered from Covid-19
It is assumed that people who did not apply for medical help during having Covid-19 and who have antibodies can receive QR codes. The government will make a decision on this issue in the near future .

According to RBC, referring to its sources, the details of the initiative are being actively discussed and the result will be announced soon.  If the idea is approved, then people who are not on the list of those who have been ill, but who have recovered from the coronavirus, will be able to count on the QR codes.

According to the position of WHO, the presence of antibodies in humans is not a contraindication for vaccination.  It should be noted that the number of antibodies sufficient for complete protection against Covid-19 has not yet been named.
If the initiative is approved, those who received foreign vaccines will also be able to apply for QR codes.
The media outlet reports that the supporters of this idea are the representatives of the Russian elite who have been vaccinated abroad with vaccines that are not recognized in the Russian Federation.  The head of the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology Alexander Gunzburg said that he considered the initiative to be fair, since those who have a sufficient number of antibodies should have QR codes.  And the way the antibodies have been obtained is ‘their own business’. 

However, for the issuance of codes, it is necessary to determine the threshold level of antibodies.  Perhaps the words of Gunzburg will be used for this - he previously said that to protect against covid, you need to have not less than 300 antibodies.  For those who have less than 300, Gunzburg recommended to be vaccinated with Sputnik Light.
