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Russian President Vladimir Putin came up with an initiative, according to which the preferential mortgage rate should be reduced from 12% to 9%. This is planned to be done as part of the implementation of measures to support citizens.
In his speech, Vladimir Putin noted that the country's economy is returning to normal state, the inflation is under control, and that raising the key rate of the Central Bank was a reasonable decision at that time. However, now measures to support the Russians are needed - first of all, it is necessary to lower the rate for preferential mortgages.
The rate is planned to be reduced to 9% by the end of 2022.
In the future, there will be other measures of state support for citizens and the entire economy. Putin also stressed out the need to stimulate construction.
Among other measures, the president proposed to extend the guarantee support programs from VEB.RF Bank not only to loans for systematically important organizations, but also to other companies. The Bank provides guarantees for backbone enterprises in the amount of 800 billion rubles.
Another initiative of Vladimir Putin was a one-year delay in the payment of insurance premiums for businessmen. It is noted that it will be valid only for those entrepreneurs who supply goods to the domestic market. What is more, companies involved in the financial sector, wholesalers and budgetary organizations will not be able to use the benefit.
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