13 March 1970 Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications conducted the first mass pre-trial blocking of the websites1970 Roskomnadzor conducted the first massive pre-trial blocking of the websites1970 The European Monetary System entered into force1970 The European Monetary System entered into force1970 Mongolia declared independence from China1970 Mongolia declared its independence from China
The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Natural Resources have developed a draft law that provides for the administrative punishment for cruelty to animals and non-compliance with the requirements for their maintenance. It is assumed that the innovations will be added to the Administrative Code.
We are talking not only about pets, but also about those animals that are kept in circuses and zoos. The list also includes homeless animals, which can be harmed, for example, during capture. It is also stated that the owners of shelters where the conditions necessary for pets are not met, might be held liable.
The powers to initiate and consider such cases will be given to the executive authorities that control the treatment of animals, as well as to the Federal Service for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare and the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance.
At the moment, there is an article for cruelty to animals (up to 5 years in prison) in the Criminal Code - if the actions of intruders do not fall under it, then they will not face punishment.
The departments propose to strengthen control over the situation in the treatment of animals and introduce an additional system of penalties. For individuals, a sanction of 3-5 thousand rubles is expected, for officials - 5-15 thousand rubles, for legal entities - 15-30 thousand rubles.
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