The first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, Vladimir Burmatov, proposed to introduce fines of 200 thousand rubles for animal owners whose pets have bitten someone. The corresponding amendment to the law will be considered in the spring.
As Denis Dubovets, an ecologist expert, a member of the expert and educational community of the International Socio-Ecological Union, told Rusbankrot, today there is no separate article in the Federal Code of Administrative Offenses (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Code) that establishes responsibility for violating the rules of walking pets. In his opinion, the planned innovation in the Administrative Code regarding administrative responsibility for a bite should be considered from two sides: public safety and proportionality of responsibility for the violation committed.
"From the point of view of public safety, the introduction of administrative responsibility for harming a person through a bite involves strengthening the consciousness of pet owners. It is assumed that such consciousness will be expressed in taking measures to prevent his pet from harming another person (for example, walking exclusively on a leash or in a muzzle)," the expert noted.
The introduction of administrative liability in the amount of up to 200 thousand rubles raises the question of citizens about its proportionality to the violation committed. Denis Dubovets has prepared a selection of similar fines in neighboring countries.
If we compare the responsibility for a similar offense in other countries, we get the following picture:
• in the Republic of Belarus, the owner of a pet that bit another person is brought to administrative responsibility under Article 16.30. "Violation of the rules of keeping animals" of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Belarus. This article provides for the following administrative liability (for causing harm to human health): a fine in the amount of ten to thirty basic units, or community service, or administrative arrest.
For reference
1 the base value from 01.01.2023 is 37 Belarusian rubles or 973 Russian rubles at the exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.
• In the Republic of Kazakhstan, for violating the rules of keeping and walking pets (including those entailing the bite of another person), the owners of the latter are brought to administrative responsibility under Article 407-2 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which provides for a fine of 10 monthly calculation indices (hereinafter – MCI). In case of repeated violations during the year – 20 MCI.
For reference
1 MCI from 01.01.2023 is 3450 tenge or 21355.5 Russian rubles at the rate of the National Bank of Kazakhstan
• In the Republic of Armenia, for violating the rules of keeping pets on the territory of urban communities, including those leading to the bite of another person, the owner is held liable under article 113 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which provides for a fine from twenty to fifty times the established minimum wage.
For reference
The minimum wage in the Republic of Armenia in 2023 is 75,000 drams, which is equivalent to 13089 Russian rubles at the rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia.
Based on the above comparison, if you do not take into account the possibility of community service or administrative arrest provided for by the Administrative Code of the Republic of Belarus, the fine imposed in the Russian Federation for biting a person with a pet is higher than in neighboring countries.
Of course, it is assumed that the amount of the fine will depend on various factors: the breed of the dog, the behavior of the owner (whether measures were taken to prevent the bite), the behavior of the victim before the bite (whether there was provocation), the extent of damage to the skin and tissues, etc.
However, it is important to create conditions so that such factors are actually taken into account by the persons making the administrative decision.
It should not be forgotten that despite bringing the owner of the pet to administrative responsibility, he may also find himself in the dock as a defendant in a civil lawsuit brought by a bite victim aimed at compensation for moral damage, payment for treatment and rehabilitation.
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