7 March 1967 Workers and employees in the USSR shifted to a five-day working week with two days off.1967 The workers and employees were transferred to a five-day work week with two days off in the USSR1933 Charles Darrow invented Monopoly game.1933 Charles Darrow invented the Monopoly game1876 Alexander Bell patented the telephone.1876 Alexander Bell patented the telephone
Drug addicts in Russia may begin to be identified in a new way
Drug addicts in Russia may begin to be identified in a new way
The Russian Ministry of Health has prepared a project to change the procedure for issuing medical certificates to drivers. It deals with conducting laboratory research in relation to citizens who have clinical signs of drug addiction.
An appropriate examination should be prescribed by a narcologist in a situation where the distinctive features of drug addiction are noticed.
Among them, there are injection marks, low pulse and emotional instability.
Work on the new rules has been going on for two years. Previously, it was proposed to conduct additional examination of drivers with expensive CDT tests. However, in this case, the cost of obtaining the necessary certificate increased significantly, which was criticized by Vladimir Putin. After that, several more versions of the project were presented, in which the mention of expensive testing disappeared, reports
The latest presented version clarifies the necessity of laboratory test procedure for drivers at risk.
As conceived by the Ministry of Health, a number of drivers should be sent for laboratory examination, regardless of the results of their express test.
Now, if the result is negative, the examination is terminated. The decision to carry out additional examinations should be made by the narcologist, who will have to assess the clinical picture in the aggregate.
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