Broadcasting of sexual deviations may be banned in Russia

Broadcasting of sexual deviations may be banned in Russia

Broadcasting of sexual deviations may be banned in Russia
At a meeting of the public council under the  Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications, which was held the day before, the issue of the need to limit the broadcasting of non-traditional sexual relations, as well as sexual deviations by online cinemas was raised.  These include, in particular, pedophilia, sadism, and exhibitionism.

At the moment, Russian legislation allows the demonstration of such content with a mark of ‘18+’.

The exception is pedophilia, which is completely banned from showing.

If the initiative is adopted, Russian legislation may be supplemented with new norms that should establish the obligations of owners of online video services and social networks. They may be prohibited from showing videos that contain the above mentioned scenes.

In case of violation of the norm, the forced blocking of the corresponding websites is possible.

The idea voiced is just a proposal, reports Vedomosti. However, this week the Public Chamber will host a meeting dedicated to the activities of online cinemas. It is assumed that the head of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications Andrei Lipov will voice his initiatives to regulate their work.
