7 March 1967 Workers and employees in the USSR shifted to a five-day working week with two days off.1967 The workers and employees were transferred to a five-day work week with two days off in the USSR1933 Charles Darrow invented Monopoly game.1933 Charles Darrow invented the Monopoly game1876 Alexander Bell patented the telephone.1876 Alexander Bell patented the telephone
Institute of Research and Expertise of VEB. The Russian Federation came up with the idea of creating a so-called crypto-gold ruble, which can help with international settlements in a situation of sanctions pressure on the country. At the same time, analysts of VEB.It was noted by the Russian Federation that the sanctions imposed not only cause economic losses, but also raise the question of the need to switch to another national financial and monetary system.
Such conclusions follow from a report prepared by the institute's analysts.
In their opinion, in the current situation, the Russian Federation should consider alternative methods of international settlements, including settlements in national and digital currencies, as well as gold.
However, in order to establish foreign trade under the new rules, Russia needs to take a number of steps. In particular, to issue the so-called "golden ruble".
By it, analysts understand a cryptocurrency that will be secured by gold and tied to the precious metal exchange rate on the world market. This fact will not allow the Americans to block the operations carried out in this way. It is proposed to use a new type of settlements not on the domestic, but primarily on the international market, including between third countries outside the participation of the Russian Federation.
In addition, the Institute of VEB.The Russian Federation was proposed to create a national crypto exchange, as well as the development of a system of international settlements of the Central Bank with other countries in national currencies using distributed registry technologies, RBC reports.
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