On December 19, the Saratov arbitration court issued a decision on the insolvency case of CJSC Trollza (No. A57-1599/2020). The plant, which was once the largest manufacturer of trolleybuses in the Soviet Union, was declared bankrupt. The deadline for bankruptcy proceedings is set until June 19, 2024. The court approved Pavel Garin, representing the SRO AAU "Parity", for the role of manager.

The company has not actually conducted any business activities since the spring of 2019. The first attempt to declare the plant insolvent was then made by Bank Rossiya. The legal successor of the bank was the capital CJSC Berg, which refused the requirements.

The initiator of the process eventually became the fiscal authorities (MRI FTS No. 7), who filed a lawsuit in January 2020. The claims of the tax authorities amounted to 32.3 million.

Subsequently, the tax authorities withdrew the filed claim, but this did not stop the process. By the summer of 2020, many lenders, including BM-bank, had already joined the case. In the spring of 2022, it was the bank that applied for the start of the monitoring procedure, forming a creditors' committee. His claims against the company amounted to more than 700 million.

Currently, the PC "Transport Systems" (PKTS), established in 2013 and being a structure of Transmashholding, operates at the production base of the plant. The organization has opened an electric transport plant here, producing electric buses (General brands) and trolleybuses (Admiral brands). The company has repeatedly stated that it intends to continue working on the site, and also wants to acquire it if the asset is put up for auction.

According to experts, the recognition of the CJSC as bankrupt does not yet allow us to confidently talk about the possibility of successfully selling the former assets of the plant. The litigation of CJSC with the CC "NWP TROLLS" continues, which the court declared bankrupt in September 2022 (case No. A57-12139/2021). Alexey Shchelokov, who was approved as the head of this organization, tried to announce auctions for property, transactions with which Pavel Garin is trying to challenge.

On December 20, Shchelokov submitted a petition to the arbitration of the Saratov region, asking to resolve his differences with ZAO. It refers to movable property located in non-residential premises with a total area of 4,748.7 square meters. meters. The court has scheduled a hearing to resolve the differences for January 24, 2024.

Recall that the history of JSC "Trolls" dates back to 1941, when the plant was transported from Bryansk to Engels during the evacuation process. Since 1950, the re-equipment of the enterprise for the production of trolleybuses began. For a number of years, the plant has been the manufacturer of the most popular model of the ZiU-9 brand.
