The largest tourist service in Turkey has gone bankrupt

The largest tourist service in Turkey has gone bankrupt

The largest tourist service in Turkey has gone bankrupt
TatilCom, which provided the clients with online vacation booking services in Turkey, went bankrupt, leaving the tourism market with a scandal.  The service ended up in debt to the Kusadasi hotels, having laid off all the staff members.

According to the Turkish online media outlet New Era, citing its own sources, during the pandemic, the company's employees were officially transferred to short-term work, receiving minimal payments.  At the same time, in fact, employees were forced to work for a full working day without receiving insurance payments.

The scandal around TatilCom was associated with loud statements made by the owners of a number of hotels on the west coast of Turkey.  They reported to the media that the firm suspended payments, relocating tourists to cheaper hotels under the pretext that a coronavirus infection was found in the booked hotels.

The Association of Turkish Hoteliers in Kusadasi made a statement, saying that there were no hotels in the city with employees or guests infected with COVID-19.
According to the representative of the association, it is immoral and shameful to solve personal commercial problems by referring to the pandemic.
However, in the near future we can expect not only a moral condemnation of the service.  Turkish resort owners have already warned the public to be wary of transferring any money to TatilCom's account.

Despite the dismissal of all employees of the company, its website is still working and continues to offer places for booking.  Complaints against the company's actions by Turkish citizens have already been sent to the law enforcement agencies.  However, the firm's victimization of its clients continues.

Experts note that the scandal with should not affect the interests of Russians or citizens of other states.
The service gained popularity in the domestic market after the country's authorities had blocked in 2018.
In 2020, the international service was restored in rights and started working again - then the state of local platforms for online booking of holidays from Turkey (including was greatly shaken.  This, along with the general decline in tourist flows, may have caused the collapse of the company.
