The air carrier became bankrupt on the initiative of JSC "GTLK". The decision on bankruptcy proceedings was made by the arbitration of the Kaliningrad region. As noted, the organization could not be saved by RT-Integration, which has ties with Rostec Corporation.
The founder and head of the airline, Sergey Shilov, had previously told reporters that he intended to restore the solvency of his organization. Experts working in the industry also spoke about the possibility of financial recovery of the company. At the request of RT-Integration, the court postponed the case for another month in June.
However, the debts were never repaid, as a result, the airline officially became bankrupt.
The initial debt to GTLK was a little more than 363 million rubles. However, by the time of recognition of insolvency, it exceeded 4 billion.
At the end of January 2022, Rusbankrot already wrote about the Skola trial. The company was banned from using 30 helicopters and 5 aircraft leased from GTLK. The carrier violated its obligations back in 2018.
The company that carried out helicopter transportation in the project "Development of Sanitary Aviation" lost income during the pandemic and stopped paying lease payments. Being initially registered in the KhMAO, the company entered into a conflict relationship with the regional Federal Tax Service.
As a result, the company changed its registration to the Kaliningrad Region, having received the status of a SEZ resident.
It is known that during the monitoring process, requirements from Zenit Bank, as well as Arktikinvest (291 million), Shefskaya 105 (131.5 million) and Rostvertol-Avia (83.5 million) were added to the requirements from the leasing company (GTLK). Some of them were secured with collateral. Experts suggest that in the future, some of SKOL's transactions may also be challenged, which the bankruptcy trustee will consider doubtful.
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