Chinese woman swam across Amur river to get a job in Russia

Chinese woman swam across Amur river to get a job in Russia

Chinese woman swam across Amur river to get a job in Russia
The Prosecutor's Office of the Amur Region reported an unusual incident - a resident of China jumped from a motor ship and swam to the Russian side - all for the sake of getting a job.

The incident was reported this summer.  It was reported that a 23-year-old resident of China waited for the moment when the ship from Heihe was closer to the Russian side, and jumped to the water. The border between the states runs along the line of the main shipping route of the Amur River.
The woman decided to swim to Blagoveshchensk.
Now she is accused under Part 1 of Article 322 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - crossing the border without a permit and can get up to 2 years in prison.

The prosecutor's office noted that the girl had carefully planned her ‘move’. First, she bought a ticket for a day boat to estimate the distance to the coast.  After that, she boarded the evening ship, and from it she decided to cross the border near Blagoveshchensk.  However, the resident of China was detained by border guards.  What kind of job she wanted to find is not reported.

In August, a Russian from the Kuril Islands swam to the Japanese island of Hokkaido (about 20 km).  In Japan, a man asked for asylum, his case is still under consideration.
