A resident of Hungary jumped under a train in the hope of getting ˆ 2.8-million insurance

A resident of Hungary jumped under a train in the hope of getting ˆ 2.8-million insurance

A resident of Hungary jumped under a train in the hope of getting ˆ 2.8-million insurance
In Hungary, a resident of the village of Nyirchaszari was convicted of an attempt to tamper with insurance.  A 54-year-old Sandor Ch. has received two years of suspended sentence and will have to pay the costs of legal proceedings in the amount of ˆ 5.5 thousand.

At the same time, the man himself plans to appeal the decision of the central court of Pest and protect the reputation of a good citizen.

The events took place back in 2014.  The investigation of the case, which lasted 7 years, concluded that the man jumped under the wheels of a train on purpose, intending to receive insurance payments.  As a result of his injuries, both legs were amputated to the knees.  A few years before the incident, he had purchased 14 certificates of insurance in different companies, which made the insurance companies had serious doubts about all the circumstances of the incident.
If the event had been recognized as an insured event, the man could have received ˆ 2.8 million (about 230 million rubles).
However, the victim's testimony was not connected with the insurance contracts concluded shortly before the accident.  According to the citizen, the idea to travel by train arose after his two cars broke down, and his wife has gone away by the third one.

The words of the victim that he slipped on the shards of glass, being on the railway platform, could be believed.  But in the course of the investigation, it turned out that his wife was in a couple of minutes of walk from the scene of the tragedy, taking everything she needed to provide first aid for injuries with her.
At the same time, the woman explained this by the fact that she always had hemostatic and bandages with her due to the nature of the service.
The interrogation of the train driver did not give an unambiguous answer to the question either, since his testimony turned out to be contradictory.  Once he reported that the victim fell on the rails from the platform.  In other testimonies, the driver had already testified that the man jumped under the wheels of the train on purpose.

The defense side announced its intention to seek justice.  It is reported that the man himself previously worked in the field of thermal energy.  After the incident, he was unable to continue working in the professional field and and literally went bankrupt.  Now he is mastering the legal profession, hoping in the future to help not only himself, but also to other victims of large insurance corporations.
