10 September 1977 Tunisian immigrant Hamida Jandoubi became the last person in Europe to be executed by guillotine.1940 The USSR approved the regulation on passports.1894 The first driver was fined for drunk driving in London.
Millions of fines for LGBT propaganda may appear in Russia.
Millions of fines for LGBT propaganda may appear in Russia.
A draft law providing for the establishment of large fines for propaganda of non-traditional sexual orientation has been submitted to the lower house of Parliament for consideration. It is proposed to make changes to the Administrative Code, and liability may occur both for individuals and officials, and for companies.
The initiator was the Legislative Assembly of Sevastopol, which introduced the relevant document a week ago.
The explanatory note to it indicates that the dissemination of a person's beliefs concerning sexual orientation should not infringe on the dignity of others, as well as cast doubt on public morality, the understanding of which has developed in Russian society.
According to the authors of the initiative, one of the tasks of the legislator is the desire to prevent the manifestation of social aggression due to the public denial of constitutionally significant values. In this regard, the Registry Office has given an argument for introducing in 2020 into the basic law of Russia — the Constitution — norms on the preservation of traditional family values.
The punishment proposed by legislators varies depending on the subject of the offense, as well as the circumstances of the case. The maximum fine for citizens is 500 thousand rubles, for legal entities — 10 million rubles.
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