11 February 1978 China has lifted the ban on reading the books of Aristotle, Shakespeare and Dickens1978 China has lifted the ban on reading the books of Aristotle, Shakespeare and Dickens1943 Stalin signed a decision to create an atomic bomb1943 Stalin signed a decision to create an atomic bomb
The deputies of the Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan initiated the development of a bill prohibiting the dissemination of childfree ideology among minors. Parliamentarians believe that the innovation will help in increasing the birth rate in the country. Fines are proposed as punishment for non-compliance with the norm.
Amendments are supposed to be made to 436-FZ, which regulates legal relations in the field of protecting children from information that can harm both their health and development. The changes may affect the fifth article of the normative act - it lists the types of information that is prohibited for distribution among children. It includes propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations.
The explanatory note to the bill contains the position that the childfree ideology is currently widespread among young people.
The authors of the document believe that the idea of childlessness leads to the degradation of social institutions and may eventually lead to population depopulation.
As measures of responsibility for the dissemination of prohibited information, parliamentarians proposed a system of fines. For individuals, the sanction can range from 2 to 3 thousand rubles, for legal entities - from 20 to 50 thousand. At the same time, the website on which such information is posted will be subject to blocking, Kommersant reports.
It is expected that by the end of March, after a series of considerations, the bill will be sent to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
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