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A number of bookmaker’s offices may be closed in Russia
A number of bookmaker’s offices may be closed in Russia
Bookmaker’s offices operating in Russia may be subject to unexpected measures. Companies that have registered participants (legal entities or individuals) from unfriendly countries may be suspended from activities on the territory of the Russian Federation.
The corresponding proposal was put forward by Anton Orlov, who is the head of the Institute for the Study of Contemporary Politics. A letter with the initiative has already been sent to the head of the upper house of parliament.
As a reason, Orlov named strong economic pressure from outside, which has been exerting on the country as a whole and on its individual households in particular for a month now.
The author of the idea recalled that many foreign companies had already left the Russian market. At the same time, bookmaker’s offices continue to operate in Russia, deriving multimillion-dollar profits from the gambling addiction of Russians. Many of these organizations include participants registered in unfriendly countries. And the offices themselves collect personal data of Russians, reports RT.
Based on these circumstances, it was proposed to consider the issue of changing the current legislation and introducing a ban on doing business in Russia by bookmakers, in which foreign individuals or legal entities from the previously approved list of unfriendly countries act as participants.
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